Does it feel like payday is too far away from now? Does it feel like you are always spending more than what you are earning? How much money do you save every month? If you do not like the answers to the questions raised, there may be something wrong with your spending habits. You will be surprised with how much you can save just by simple actions you can do everyday. Here are some tips on saving a few bucks a day. Bring your own water
A nice habit to have is to always bring a container of water with you everywhere you go. One, it is healthy for you and helps keep your goal of drinking 8 to 10 glasses a day. Two, it prevents you from buying bottled water while you are out. It may not seem much, but cumulatively it can get significant. Lastly, it helps save the environment by reducing your plastic consumption. Packed meals are the way to go Do you spend 10 to 15 dollars a day for casual lunches? Compare that amount to the price of your groceries spread across 5 days. Pack your own lunch for your everyday lunches and see how much you save everyday. One, you avoid eating too much fast food which can be bad for you. Two, you no longer spend extra every lunch break. Three, you control what you eat and have access to healthier options. If you do not have time to prepare a meal everyday before leaving for work, do it in bulk over the weekend. Install a midnight cutoff A nice habit I recently read about is cutting yourself off at midnight. What does this mean? At midnight, you cut off on consuming or spending on anything. This means another drink if you are out, or even snacks when you are at home. This helps make you spend less. You don't really need anything past midnight right? Automate your payments Make sure the stuff that needs to get paid go first. Avoid paying penalties and late fees. You only spend the money left over after all your bills are already paid. Taking an extra mile on this habit, take a fixed amount out automatically as forced savings. You may want to invest this money later on for another source of income. Saving money now means having more later on. It is always wise to prepare for the future and for rainy days. Get full protection by owning the right insurance policy for yourself. At Roper Insurance Services, we do our best in making sure that our clients are well-protected with affordable and comprehensive policies. To learn more about how we can help you, please contact our agency at (828) 697-6709 or Click Here to request a free quote.
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