There may be a good chance that you’re paying too much for auto insurance. However, if you’ve qualified for discounts, then you’re probably not. But how can you qualify in something you’re not aware of? While there may be discounts you already know, there are others that agents may not tell you upfront.
Health emergencies can be financially draining if you’re not prepared. Even if you are properly insured, it can be very stressful to your pocket when you fall ill. Deductibles, co-payments, and other health insurance costs can quickly add up.
Life insurance is an important commitment. While insurers offer different types of policies, you need not stick to one type. You might get term life insurance now and switch to whole life later. Or in some instances, get a new policy on top of the one you already bought. Should you decide to need both whole and term life insurance, here are things you need to know.
A home is a place that should make you feel comfortable and safe. Unfortunately, there are people out there that make us feel otherwise. FBI statistics tell us that a home theft and burglary happens every 14.6 seconds. No matter how safe you feel in your neighborhood, you may still be vulnerable. Are you prepared if your home is burglarized? Do you know what to expect when you file a claim? Let us help you!
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October 2024