There may be a good chance that you’re paying too much for auto insurance. However, if you’ve qualified for discounts, then you’re probably not. But how can you qualify in something you’re not aware of? While there may be discounts you already know, there are others that agents may not tell you upfront. Fortunately, there are many more discounts available today. So you can save a great deal on your policy if you know where to look. These discounts include:
Bundle Discounts If you combine your auto insurance with other types of insurance (e.g. home insurance or condo insurance), then you may be eligible for a discount. Aside from that, it will also be more convenient for you to make one payment to one insurer. Loyalty Discounts If you’ve been with your provider for years now, it won’t hurt to ask for loyalty discounts. These discounts may vary according to the number of years you’ve been with them. Married Driver Statistics show that married drivers encounter fewer car accidents than single drivers. For that reason, insurers offer discounts to them. Multi-Vehicle Policy If you have two or more cars, insuring them with the same company will get you an automatic discount. Note, however, that each car should be registered under your name and only driven by those who are listed on the policy. Safe Driver Many insurers offer discounts to drivers who take defensive driving classes and to those with clean driving records. Safety Features When you’re considering buying a pre-owned or brand new car, remember that safety features will help you save money on insurance. Check with your agents to see which features you can claim on your policy. Also, bear in mind that it’s common for insurers to offer discounts for eco-friendly cars. Other Discounts Some insurers may not mention discounts for those who belong to organizations, who work in low-risk jobs, and for those who make one-time payments. They may also offer senior discounts for drivers over 55 years old. While a company may offer a lot of discounts, that doesn’t necessarily mean that they offer the lowest rates out there. Thus, it’s important to compare quotes. What’s even better is to get an insurance advice from an independent agency like us. Roper Insurance Services is an independent agency located in the heart of Hendersonville, NC and we’re dedicated to helping customers find a policy that best fits their needs. We offer reliable auto insurance products from trusted carriers that you can choose from. Compare quotes with us by clicking here and talking to one of our agents. Call us at (828) 697-6709 or visit us today!
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