Following a disaster, to get your business doors open again, you need to file insurance claims the proper way. Continue reading this post as it will tackle the common mistakes that companies do when requesting for their insurance compensation. Not Contacting the Insurance Provider Immediately
When a disaster strikes at your business premises, refrain from cleaning up the damage if the insurer’s inspection is not yet concluded. This will help both you and your insurance company determine how bad things really are. Letting the insurer assess the damage will give you a higher chance of not getting disapproved of certain benefits. Not Keeping Records of the Damage In some scenarios, you need to fix your equipment immediately to avoid further damage that can adversely impact your business. If this is the case, do the necessary action, but don’t forget to keep records of the damage and photograph the original scene. This will be your evidence to the insurer. Not Keeping Damaged Goods It happens that some insurance companies won’t quickly agree with the photos that policyholders present as proof of damage. For your peace of mind that you will receive the needed support from your insurance provider, keep the damaged items to become available during an insurance inspection. Most owners pile up the damaged goods on their parking lots while waiting for the investigation. Not Petitioning Your Insurer’s Lowball Estimate Most startup business owners don’t appeal on what their insurance providers render. You need to realize that you spent your hard work money to receive adequate compensation from your insurer. If you believe that your insurer is giving you a low estimate after surveying the damage, don’t hesitate to contact a third-party adjuster. The go-between professional will help you come up with a second estimate so that you and the insurer can compare the two results. This will help you get the right compensation from the provider. Not Understanding Your Policy Before purchasing an insurance plan, read the policy being offered. Ask everything to the insurance agent to enlighten you. When the time comes that you need to file a claim, demanding flood coverage from your insurer doesn’t make sense if it’s not included in the agreement. Consider the critical pointers mentioned above when your business encounters a mishap. If you don’t have protection yet, get the necessary business insurance plan from a reliable insurance provider for your convenience. At Roper Insurance Services, we aim to provide comprehensive insurance policies that make your life easier. We want to help you get the insurance that fits your needs. You can get more information about our products and services by calling our agency at (828) 697-6709. Get your free quote today by CLICKING HERE.
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