As the year closes, the time has come again to for the Affordable Care Act (ACA) annual open enrollment. Here are some things you need to know. Schedule of Enrollment
Open enrolment for 2019 coverage runs from the 1st of November to 15th December, 2018 in most states. However, 12 exchanges are wholly run by the state. Some of which may opt to extend their open enrolment period. If you miss the opportunity to sign-up during this time, your chances of enrolling are very slim. You may have of access to SEP or special enrolment period only if you have any of these qualifying events:
Aside from ACA coverage, there are also open enrollments that apply to Medicare users and people with employer-sponsored insurance. These, however, are not affected by any changes, cuts, or extensions available for ACA users. People with plans that can no longer be purchased (grandfathered or grandmothered) are also not affected by open enrolment. If you have this type of coverage, compare it with plans that are ACA-compliant in case you are eligible to obtain of premium or cost-sharing subsidy. Things To Know Before Enrolment It's vital that you pay close attention to the information you receive either from the exchange or from an off-exchange insurer. Make sure you understand the following before signing up:
Assistance For Enrollment The enrolment process can be quite confusing, so many people seek help from assisters like navigators, counselors, or agents. Navigators offer unbiased information regarding plans and exchanges. However, there aren’t many of them after the funding for navigator services had been slashed. CACs or certified application counselors can also assist during the enrolment process. Unlike navigators, CACs are not funded by the exchange but rather by various state or federal sources. Moreover, you can also talk to an agent or a broker certified by the exchange to know more about exchange or off-exchange plans. After 2018, there will no longer be a penalty for non-enrollment. However, being uninsured is still not recommended. In times of emergency, it is always better to be protected. At Roper Insurance Services, we do our best in making sure that our clients are well-protected with affordable and comprehensive policies. We make sure to go the extra mile to help you with your needs. To learn more about how we can help you, please contact our agency at (828) 697-6709 or Click Here to request a free quote.
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