You always have the responsibility of taking care of your vehicle. There are unexpected circumstances that might happen to you and your car. Auto insurance may help you reduce the cost of caring for those problems. There are a lot of auto insurance policies to choose from. This article will discuss the different insurance policies and their coverage. Liability Insurance Cover
Liability insurance cover is one of the various coverage that auto insurance can offer. This type of coverage is the one that covers the expenses necessary when you are the one responsible for an accident from happening. To use this auto insurance coverage, the other party (the one injured) must file a claim with your insurance company. They may then communicate with the other party to ensure the costs are paid for. Liability insurance coverage consists of two components: Bodily Injury Liability The first component of liability insurance is bodily injury liability. Generally, the coverage of this policy is the injuries to the other party that you cause. If you and your family are listed on this policy, you can be protected when driving someone else’s vehicle with their consent. Property Damage Liability While the first component covers the bodily injuries obtained in an accident of your fault, property damage liability covers the damages to the other party’s property. For example, this policy would cover the other party’s car bumper if you damaged the other party’s car bumper. While it’s usually for damages to the other party’s car, this can also include other private property like lamp posts, fences, etc. Personal Injury Protection (PIP) Personal injury protection is another part of an auto insurance policy that covers any injuries to you, the driver, and the passengers inside the car. PIP may be able to cover expenses such as medical bills, x-rays, and other medical services. It may even cover funeral costs. Collision This covers the damages to your car that result from crashing with another vehicle or any other object. Collision coverage may also financially protect you from damages caused by potholes and such. Even with an accident that you cause, collision coverage may be able to cover the expenses minus the deductible. Comprehensive At its simplest, comprehensive coverage can cover your vehicle from damages outside your doing. This can be damages that resulted from theft or damage from another object that is not your fault. Conclusion When owning a vehicle, one of the necessary steps in taking proper care of it is getting an auto insurance policy. This insurance type may be able to protect your car from damages that you can never expect to happen. At Roper Insurance Services, we do our best in making sure that our clients are well-protected with affordable and comprehensive policies. We will go the extra mile to help you with your needs. To learn more about how we can help you, please contact our agency at (828) 697-6709 or Click Here to request a free quote. Topics and coverage discussed in this article are not guaranteed, consult with your agents to determine what your policy does and does not cover. We are more than happy to help!
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