When purchasing health insurance of your own, you might find the process more complicated than you thought. You might also wonder when you should buy one. The instances below will likely require you to have a health insurance plan. Young Adults 26 Years of Age or Older
Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), people 25 years old and below can be considered dependents under their parents' insurance policy until they reach 26 years old. After that, they will have to purchase an insurance policy for themselves. Unemployed For whatever reason you lost your job, you may still be able to continue your policy through your employer's insurance plan. The program called COBRA (Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act) offers qualified employees, along with their dependents, the choice to maintain coverage for health insurance when an employee receives a work-hour reduction or suddenly loses their job. Part-Time Employees Part-time jobs don't often provide health benefits. Working part-time means, employees get to work a lower number of hours than the typically required workload considered by their employer as full-time - which is often 40 hours a week. If you only plan on working part-time, make sure to have health insurance at hand already. Self-Employed Self-employed people are typically freelancers or run a business that they started themselves. If an independent person is married and their spouse has a health insurance plan, he or she can also be insured under the same said plan. If they prefer to have health insurance of their own, there is nothing wrong with that either. Why You Should Purchase Health Insurance If ever you experience any of the mentioned situations above and you don't have the necessary health insurance coverage, it's crucial to purchase premium as soon as you can. Fortunately, with 2019 plan years, you no longer have to pay a fee if you don't have health insurance, but accidents can still happen anytime and anywhere. So, it's best to have preparations at hand. Conclusion Trying to sign up for health insurance policies may not look easy compared to joining an employer's plan. However, once you realize your needs and learn the words often used when discussing health insurance plans, you find researching easier. There are plenty of options in the market; you only have to look for those that meet your budget and needs. At Roper Insurance Services, we do our best to make sure that our clients are well-protected with affordable and comprehensive policies. We make sure to go the extra mile to help you with your needs. To learn more about how we can help you, please contact our agency at (828) 697-6709 or Click Here to request a free quote.
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